
Inter-House SS Quiz on 26th April 2022

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Inter-House SS Quiz on 26th April 2022



An Inter- House S.S Quiz competition was held on 26th April 2022 in the premises of SKPPS for the students of Junior (VI- VIII) and Senior (IX- XII) wing in the school auditorium (Tagore Hall). It was graced with the presence of School Principal -Mr. Sunil Sharma, Vice Principal- Mr. Rakesh Kumar, the staff members and students.

The quiz began with the introduction of quiz masters, Priyanshi and Nikita. Both the girls were the pivots of the entire show. The rules of the quiz competition were announced. The four houses Gandhi, Sarojini, Subhash and Vivekananda were represented by two participants each. We also had an enthusiastic audience in the students of class VI- XII as they watched the participants try their intellect.

The Quiz consisted of three rounds covering History, Geography and Political Science. It had a rapid fire round which made it more exciting for the students and audience both. All the teams were well prepared. The gems of SKPPS surprised the audience with their knowledge and information. The questions put forth to the teams were captivating, exciting and made the audience applaud excitedly when the teams answered correctly. The competition was very tough but in the end the most exciting and thrilling battle was won by Gandhi House.

It was very informative and knowledge enriching competition for the participants along with the audience.

Vikas Anand Singh

HOD (Dept. Of Social Science)